Saturday, 15 October 2011

Show Off Saturday: Victoria's Secret Bombshell ♥

Hey guys!

I haven't posted in a while, sorry! I am starting out this new session called, "Show Off Saturday" Basically what this is, is just me showing you guys a random product I have lying around my bedroom that I either think is cute, or a product that I just love. It can be a new product, or an old product. So to start of this new session, I will be showing you off this miniature size Victoria's Secret Bombshell perfume! Super old product, it's been lying around my bedroom for a while and I have never used it.

It's just a small perfume, smaller than the size of my palm. Just a random product I thought I should share to you guys! Basic moral of this post is, look around your room! You'll never know what you'll find!! I didn't even know I had this. And that concludes the end of this super duper short post!

Oh, and a little update. I will be doing a new poll every saturday, so you can check that out and vote on the side! Thanks.


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